Thursday, June 10, 2010


So my goal to write on this blog consistently has consistently failed every time I tell myself I will. Sorry to my two loyal followers, however it's not like I haven't been writing at all, in fact I got a lot of short works that are currently on my laptop. I just haven't had the time to work on it because of my summer job. I'll try to have something up relatively soon.

Today I was having a conversation with one of my female co-workers and she said “It’s impossible not to constantly wonder if there’s something better, someone better. "If I could only choose between three decent guys, it’d be a done deal. I’d be married already.”

I nodded. Having options–perceived infinite choice–isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. How, then, do you tame indecision, particularly in relationships?

Almost everyone on staff are single college graduates and they all believe that getting married or the thought of marriage is a very disheartening subject to discuss. They say how it's hard to watch all there close friends get married off and suddenly they are in the next stage of life. They feel pressure, a lot of it. To them it's the next BIG stage in their life that they have to achieve. Just like the idea of going to college after high school is just something that needs to be done.

Perhaps this is why divorce rates are so high nowadays. It's the fact that people feel pressured to get married at a certain age, at a certain point in their lives and if they don't, they won't feel content with themselves. You shouldn't get married just because that's just the way things are. You should get married because you found the right person and want to be with them for the rest of your life.

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